Lanark RTK Base Station Lightning Strike, Rowsense, and Combine Inspections

by Josh Zuck, Lanark, IL 

We had had a lot of rain the last few days in Northern IL. We also have had a few bad storms with strong winds and a couple of tornados. With the strong winds, comes down corn. There are quite a few fields that got flattened with the winds. Corn has been looking great lately with the rain and warmer weather.

We had the Lanark RTK base station get struck by lightning and have had to replace everything. We are still waiting on a certified climber to replace the antenna. Since it is on an actual structure tower and not a grain leg, we have a climber come and install the antenna and coax. I am just glad it did it in the off season and not in the middle of spring. We do carry enough items on hand to get it back up and going in the matter of hours on an emergency basis. We also have other towers that cover the same areas also. Also don’t forget with the 450 mhz radio’s and the SF3000 receiver you also get 14 days of SF2 fallback which is a Deere exclusive perk.

With the down corn this year, it would be a good time to think Rowsense. Rowsense is for combines that are picking corn. There are feelers that go in the corn head and activation in the GS3 or GS2. Rowsense isn’t only for combines with integrated Autotrac, there are also platform kits for non integrated AutoTrac combines that can run an ATU. If you are interested in Rowsense, contact any of the Sloan’s AMS specialist for pricing and see if you have an approved platform.

Now is a good time to be getting your combine in for service inspections. We will check your entire combine over front to rear and give you a detailed quote on the repairs that are needed. That way when you head to the field this year, your combine will be in top notch shape with minimal down time. Contact your local Sloan’s Service Manager for details.

I would also like to take this time to announce a new AMS specialist for the Northern Sloan’s Stores. Austin Shellhause has joined the AMS team. Austin is from Lanark and will be working out of the Lanark store and will also be traveling and helping out the other stores also. He graduated this spring from UW Platteville with an Ag Business degree.

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