Configure your 2600 / 2630 Monitor for Soybeans while Optimizing Hydraflex Pressure

I have been helping a lot of guys switch over to beans in the last week and have a few common questions that come up. The first is how to switch your combine monitor from one crop to another crop when you have a Greenstar monitor installed.

by  Sloan Product Support Team, Assumption, IL 

I have been helping a lot of guys switch over to beans in the last week and have a few common questions that come up. The first is how to switch your combine monitor from one crop to another crop when you have a Greenstar monitor installed.  On the GS2 or GS3 displays navigate to the document tab. This can be found by hitting the very bottom right button on the screen then hitting GS2 or GS3 on the following screen depending on which model you are using. Document should be icon letter “I” on the page displayed below.

Select the “Change Harvest Settings” button from the top of the screen and select the crop you are changing to, as well as the brand and variety below that. Once accepted this will change the crop identification on the combine armrest screen to what was selected on the Greenstar monitor. You can then adjust your combine’s harvest settings after making the appropriate changes to the outside of the machine as instructed in the operators manual for what crop you are harvesting.


Change Harvest Settings on Greenstar Display

The second common question is how the pressure setting on your hydraflex platform affects the performance of the head on the ground. This setting basically affects the amount of weight that is on the ground from the header. The height of the cutter bar will remain in the same position off of the ground but the header won’t push as hard on the ground as you cut. Pushing occurs the most in the early morning hours when first starting for the day and then also in the later afternoon/evening hours. The higher the pressure setting will cause a lighter head on the ground and the header to float over the ground easier. The lower the pressure setting the more weight on the ground and the header holds on the ground better. This setting will need to be adjusted throughout the day for optimal performance out of your hydraflex platform. Try and run the least amount of pressure that you can without seeing any pushing occurring behind the head. The outside of the head tends to push up the worst so keep an eye on these locations when adjusting the pressure. Adjustment of the pressure can be done with the AHC knob on the armrest of the combine while running the header in the field.

Sloan Support is written by the product support team at Sloan Implement, a 20 location John Deere dealer in Illinois and Wisconsin.  Learn more at

Configure your 2600 / 2630 Monitor for Soybeans while Optimizing Hydraflex Pressure1