We are starting our call center spring hours and schedule today. The number is 217-693-6209 and the hours are from 7-7 M-F and 7-3 on Saturday.

by Lucas Veale, Assumption, IL 

We are starting our call center spring hours and schedule today.  The number is 217-693-6209 and the hours are from 7-7 M-F and 7-3 on Saturday.    You can access the call center by calling the above number or using the Sloan Implement APP to put yourself in line and receive a call back when your turn in line comes up.

Please call this number to ask your AMS questions or activate your SF2 signal subscription.  If you need to activate your subscription, please be in the cab with the display and receiver powered up.  We will need your receiver serial number and then we will activate the subscription and give you a code to enter to turn it on.

The image to the left features a Waterloo Boy at the John Deere Tractor Museum, Waterloo, IA.

Sloan Support Call Center is Now on Spring Hours1