Wisconsin Crop Progress and Exactemerge Post Season Maintenance

We had a lot of rain the last few weeks, but most of the area crops are still in very good shape. There was some localized high winds causing some down corn and wheat.

by Joe Brunker, Monroe, WI 

We had a lot of rain the last few weeks, but most of the area crops are still in very good shape. There was some localized high winds causing some down corn and wheat.

Windblown Corn near Dodgeville, WI


Now we just need some heat and drier weather. A lot of 2nd crop alfalfa was made this past week.

Marshall Brothers 7930 cutting oats and peas

R450 Cutting Alfalfa

D & J Manthe Forage Service merging with 7270R

D & J Manthe Forage Services Chopping 2nd Crop


Wheat has begun to turn, but is still probably a couple weeks away from harvest.


Soybeans planted with the ExactEmerge planter have been very impressive. Consistent spacing really helped them push through and crust and emerge very evenly.

ExactEmerge Soybeans

ExactEmerge Soybeans

RTK Sectional Control Row Command Clutches


Before you put the ExactEmerge in the shed, here are some tips for winter storage and planter maintenance:

Purge all remaining seed

Install plugs in vacuum manifold bells

Empty and clean all seed hoppers

Relieve all spring tension on the closing wheels

Clean meters with a brush and mild detergent if needed to remove any seed treatment or talc buildup.

Remove the seed bowls

Spray bowls with graphite lubricant

Hang bowls on a wall out away from direct heat and/or sunlight

Remove brush belt and hang it on a wall

Clean out any fertilizer or insecticide and winterize with RV anti-freeze

Sloan Support is written by the product support team at Sloan Implement, a 19 location John Deere dealer in Illinois and Wisconsin.   Learn more at www.sloans.com

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