Tired of struggling with Apex or just want to start mapping and keeping records of your data? Contact us to get set up with our Data Management Service.

by Jared Wheeler, Assumption, IL

Tired of struggling with Apex or just want to start mapping and keeping records of your data?  Contact us to get set up with our Data Management Service.  We will provide a new data card or flash drive each year so that you can keep your old data in a safe place for a backup.  We will update the software on all your displays and receivers and also get your displays loaded with all your setup data including farms, fields, clients, and varieties.  We can help organize your farm and field names to make sure they are consistent across all displays and all operations to avoid confusion amongst operators.  After planting, we will clean up and print your variety maps and reports and get you set up for harvest with variety locator.  We will then clean up, post calibrate, and print your harvest maps and reports after you are finished with the year’s harvest.  Now that we have the ability to upload historical data to MyJohnDeere.com, we would be happy to upload this data for you if you would like.  All of this is included for just $500 a year.

Sloan Support is written by the product support team at Sloan Implement, a 20 location John Deere dealer in Illinois and Wisconsin.  Learn more at www.sloans.com

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