We will get started soon after the crops are out of the fields. We can map boundary lines and waterways, as well as guidance lines using RTK signal.

by Jared Wheeler, Assumption, IL

We will get started soon after the crops are out of the fields.  We can map boundary lines and waterways, as well as guidance lines using RTK signal.  This works great when using Section Control to plant or spray through waterways.  You can also utilize these boundaries to ensure that you or your operators are in the correct field.  Simply hit the “Find Field” button when you pull into a field with a mapped boundary and it will know the Client, Farm, and Field associated with it and populate them into the drop down boxes.  All your guidance lines for that field will be pre-loaded as well.  You can then select the line you want to use, center the line with where you’re at and take off.  This eliminates the need to make new guidance lines every time you enter a field.  Mapping is $1.25/acre with minimum acreage required.  Mapping is based on a first come, first served basis so please sign up before spots fill up.  Don’t wait until the last minute.

Sloan Support is written by the product support team at Sloan Implement, a 20 location John Deere dealer in Illinois and Wisconsin.  Learn more at www.sloans.com

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